Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Kick Out Poverty Pay !

Premier League football clubs have just got a ‘windfall’ that means they’ll receive £5.4 billion from TV deals. But whilst their top stars get millions, they’re still refusing to pay their ground staff a living wage! [1]

If enough of us get involved, we can change that. After a big public campaign, Chelsea FC has agreed to pay their lowest paid staff enough to cover basics like rent and food. Big petitions to the bosses of the other clubs could force them to follow suit.

There’s one petition per Premier League club.
 You can pick any, whether it's the club you support, or the one you live closest to and add your name to the petition:

How can it be right that in an industry where top stars like Wayne Rooney make £300,000 a week, the people selling the tickets or preparing the pitch may be left struggling to pay the rent and put food on the table?

When an employer agrees to pay a living wage, it makes a huge difference to families struggling to get by. And more and more employers are doing it - thanks to customers and employees working together to push for a fair deal for all staff.

Football is an industry of huge inequality. But it relies on the support of millions of ordinary people. 
So it's a great opportunity to pile on the pressure and give low wages the red card - click here to add your name !

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